
Taking The Easy Road

Taking The Easy Road

BTHC July 2024 Blog

Ever since COVID our world has changed more than we realize. It seems that many of us are taking short cuts or the path of least resistance all too often. This “lowering of the standard” attitude has permeated all levels of our society, more so with our youth. COVID has served as an excuse to minimize our obligations and responsibilities. Instead of stepping up, raising the bar and thinking outside of the box many of us are using the “COVID CRUTCH” to take the easy road. We need to stand strong an recommit ourselves to excellence. Now, more than ever, we need to perform at the highest level for ourselves, our children and our society. Human success was always measured in our ability to adapt and overcome. In our future endeavors we need to overcome our challenges with pride, action and resilience. That is the only way for us to grow. Take the “High Road”, it might be more difficult but the rewards are worth it !!!

Dr. Mike