
Special Powers

Special Powers

BTHC June 2024 Blog

From the beginning of time mankind has been aware of the mystic, the special mysteries of the mind. Religions were built on it and inexplicable traditions were handed down throughout the centuries. What are these special powers? … Can we harness them and change lives, even our own? When we really look at all of the “Mysteries of the Mind”, we can observe patterns and trends. It all boils down to a few universal laws. The one I understand the most is the law of attraction. We know that the mind is like a magnet … it has the ability to bring to fruition what the mind concentrates on most. With that said, take a quick look at your life. What are you attraction? Change your focus and you will change your outcome. We have the special power, we just need to trust it, so we can solve the special mysteries of success.

Dr. Mike