
Peace … Where Does It Begin?

Peace … Where Does It Begin?

BTHC May 2024 Blog

We ALL want peace: every culture, all religions, people everywhere want to live in peace BUT where does peace begin?

We look at peace globally, pointing fingers at others when there is a disturbance of peace. We just never see the essence of the issue. Peace begins with us, with every single one of us. We gossip, talking negatively about our family members, our next door neighbors, people in other cities, other states and in other countries. We point to others for the lack of peace and we constantly fail to see that if we truly want peace we need to be peaceful. If every person on this planet concerns themselves with their own inner and outward peace … maybe … just maybe we can one day achieve what we all desire. My favorite quote of all time is from a Scottish poet, Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881). He said, “ Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one less scoundrel in the world.”

Dr. Mike